


• Venus Temple: Sacred Power of Anger •

• Venus Temple: Sacred Power of Anger • Gesundungsraum, Obere Zäune 14, 8001 Zürich Billets

Credits: Alaia Venus

Gesundungsraum, Zürich (CH)

Opening ourselves to heal our relationship with Anger has many benefits. The echo of painful conditionings still lives in our epigenetic memory. Women were conditioned to not express Anger which led to passive aggression. Men were socially allowed to express it extensively,  sometimes even fight & be violent (in a big generalization, there are as many cases as humans of course).

Anger is a voice of our inner Guardian who knows when to say NO, protect ourselves & take care of our needs. Suppression of such important source of the body wisdom rips us off from our life force and instinctual wisdom, leaving us feeling confused and lost.

Suppression of Anger nor Indulging in it is a right Solution. Projecting it outiside, becoming aggressive or blaming our anger on others is destructive unconcious force that does not serve Life neither. 

Anxiety, Frustration, Numbness, Lethargy, Feeling Stucked, People Pleasing, Weak/Overprotective Boundaries, Shame, Confusion. Victim/Perpetrator/Savoir Mentality and Low Self esteem are some of the results of not processed Anger.

I was there myself: not able to take up space, ashamed to speak my truth and hiding from life's challanges. So many times ending up doing things that were not


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Opening ourselves to heal our relationship with Anger has many benefits. The echo of painful conditionings still lives in our epigenetic memory. Women were conditioned to not express Anger which led to passive aggression. Men were socially allowed to express it extensively,  sometimes even fight & be violent (in a big generalization, there are as many cases as humans of course).

Anger is a voice of our inner Guardian who knows when to say NO, protect ourselves & take care of our needs. Suppression of such important source of the body wisdom rips us off from our life force and instinctual wisdom, leaving us feeling confused and lost.

Suppression of Anger nor Indulging in it is a right Solution. Projecting it outiside, becoming aggressive or blaming our anger on others is destructive unconcious force that does not serve Life neither. 

Anxiety, Frustration, Numbness, Lethargy, Feeling Stucked, People Pleasing, Weak/Overprotective Boundaries, Shame, Confusion. Victim/Perpetrator/Savoir Mentality and Low Self esteem are some of the results of not processed Anger.

I was there myself: not able to take up space, ashamed to speak my truth and hiding from life's challanges. So many times ending up doing things that were not really serving me, prone to manipulation and submission. OR suppressing for too long and then exploding in uncontrolloble ways.

It was when I allowed myself to first of all feel Anger, learn how not to blame anyone but own it and then constructively use it to my own benefit... When my energy charged up with potent magnetism and strong protection field. 

I was in a driving seat of my own Life again - as the ripples of Erotic Aliveness rekindled my Passion & Drive. I became more visible in the room, my words shared in public started reverberating deeper and my truth started being more instantly accesible to me.

And that is why I would like to bring to you this journey sister/brother: so you can become more unpologetically Yourself. 

What I propose in this space is to find a new, constructive way to look at Anger: less as a story (rooted in Triangle of Disempowerment) and more as A POTENT LIFE FORCE ENERGY SOURCE that can be used in your & the Earth's advantage.

What makes you pissed off is maybe directly connected to your life purpose & what you want to change in the world, have you ever thought about that? ;)


I would like to invite you to this Ritual of Transforming Anger into Power through shamanic & creative group practices.

This safe loving space will provide you an opportunity to work with your emotions in a innovative way, transform ancestral energies, open your body, womb/hara and heart to deeper aliveness, gain confidence and clarity & blossom into your erotic and artistic expression through trasmuting Anger into Courage to BE WHO YOU ARE.

Power, Eros, Authenticity and Creativity CAN BE THE RESULT OF TRANSMUTED ANGER.


This Ceremonial Workshop will include:

  • Temple Arts & Embodiment Practices 
  • Red Rose Tea Ceremony
  • Teaching & Transmission on the Sacred Power of (Transformed) Anger
  • Shamanic practices (Inca Medicine Wheel: Medicine of the West & the Jaguar Spirit)
  • Terapeutic practices (Gestalt, Systemic Constallations inspired)
  • Wisdom Weaving Circle & Group Work Alchemy
  • Psychomagic Healing Arts Ritual 'Anger, Truth & Eros'


My intention is that each participant leaves feeling as more authentic & embodied, possibly inspired for bold changes in life.

I welcome you wholeheartedly!

You will get more informations & some tips how to prepare on your email after signing up. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.




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Organisateur de • Venus Temple: Sacred Power of Anger •

Aleksandra Ostapow


La vente se termine le samedi, 09.11.2024 20:00


CHF 111.00

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Gesundungsraum, Obere Zäune 14, Zürich, CH

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• Venus Temple: Sacred Power of Anger • est organisé par:

Aleksandra Ostapow