


Ida Improv Artists - Welcome Jam & Writing a New World

Ida Improv Artists - Welcome Jam & Writing a New World Theater Ida, Aargauerstrasse 50 / 80, 8048 Zürich Billets

Credits: Theater Ida

Theater Ida, Zürich (CH)

A space to play, a space to explore and a space for shared experiences – that’s the goal of this jam. In this jam, Laura & Dan will divide the players up into groups randomly and we’ll share the stage together. It’s open to all levels of experience. You can come to play or to watch.

Have you always wanted a short story written for you? In this improvised theatre show, Dan and Laura will do exactly that. These two international performers will ask you to finish the sentence « In a world where… ».

What story would you like to have written?

In a world where light is the most precious resource
In a world where we all have perfect, accurate memory 
In a world where any animals can be a pet

Once the first chapter is written, and read aloud for you, the play starts. Laura and Dan write, explore, play and take you on an adventure what it means, to live in a world like that.

L'événement commence dans
6 jours
0 hrs
25 min
26 sec


Organisateur de Ida Improv Artists - Welcome Jam & Writing a New World

Theater Ida


La vente se termine le vendredi, 27.09.2024 22:00


CHF 20.00


CHF 10.00

Les prix incluent la TVA

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Points de vente de billets

Vous trouverez des billets pour cet événement dans les points de vente suivants :



Tourisme de Rheinfelden

TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Veuillez d'abord sélectionner les billets d'une catégorie donnée
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Theater Ida, Aargauerstrasse 50 / 80, Zürich, CH


Ida Improv Artists - Welcome Jam & Writing a New World est organisé par:

Theater Ida