Create season tickets and passes

Eventfrog allows season tickets and subscriptions to be created and sold digitally. These can also be made available for membership cards using the "Download QR codes" function.

This allows all QR codes of (pre-)sold tickets to be downloaded and, if desired, printed. You can also find out more on the page "Sell season tickets and season passes online with Eventfrog"

We will show you how to set the events correctly for your desired purpose in a step-by-step guide.


1. Create parent event

To create subscriptions correctly, you first need a parent event. This represents the season ticket, membership card or season ticket.

Pay attention to the time period when creating it. For example, you can run this for the entire season.

The same applies to the sales period for tickets and therefore season tickets. You can adjust this period as you wish under "Sales" "Sales start, stop, cancellation".

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2. Create event as a template for all events of the season

To create all the individual events for the entire season, it is a good idea to completely configure an event as a template.

You can then simply copy it and change details such as the description and dates. All important settings are copied over.

The event for the template should already be at least in the Plus model so that you can combine it with your subscription event using combination categories.

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3. Link all events with a subscription event

You can now use the "Combined categories" function to combine the parent event with all events in the season.

Edit the parent event and go to "Categories, seating plan" under "Tickets & seating plan".

Select "Edit categories" and then click on "Options".

Now you can search for the events you want to combine under "Combined category". Click on "Save" to confirm your selection.

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Under "Tickets & seating plan" under "Categories, seating plan" you can now see that your event is linked to other events.

A chain symbol and the number of events will now appear under "Combined categories".

By combining the events, you can ensure that the tickets for the season event (subscription) are also valid for the individual events.

In the next step, we will show you how to download the QR codes of sold subscriptions, e.g. to print them on member cards.

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4. Download QR codes after sale for membership cards (optional)

After you have sold tickets online or yourself as an organiser or advance booking office, you can download the QR codes for these tickets in the Cockpit.

To do this, go to "Orders, cancellations" under "Sales" at the event.

Click on the "Download QR codes" button.

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You can download all QR codes together or individually.

The images are named after the ticket ID.

After downloading, it is a good idea to print the QR codes on season tickets or membership cards, for example, to simplify admission control with our free entry app.

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