


Let go & Clarity Evening: Yin Yoga, Trataka and Yoga Nidra

Let go & Clarity Evening: Yin Yoga, Trataka and Yoga Nidra ATMA - Yoga and Wellness, Militärstrasse 84, 8004 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Daniela Zerbini

ATMA - Yoga and Wellness, Zürich (CH)

An Evening before the new Moon and before the most social and busy time of the year, Christmas. We take some time together to focus inward, release stagnant energy, and then set the intentions for the new year. 

The evening will start with a gentle Yin Yoga which help to relax fascias and bring our mind in a meditative state. We will then shift into the practice of Trataka, the candle Meditation, which will help us to bring a calm state to clear our mind. 
After a moment of setting privately your intentions, you will rest in Shavasana and you will be guided in a Yoga Nidra, tailored for this time of the year. 

Der Event beginnt in
4 Tage
12 Std
8 Min
3 Sek


Ground Yoga


Online-Verkauf endet am Freitag, 29.11.2024 20:30

Reduced Price

CHF 20.00

Standard Price

CHF 25.00

Supporter Price

CHF 30.00

Preise inkl. Steuern

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Total: XX.XX CHF

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ATMA - Yoga and Wellness, Militärstrasse 84, Zürich, CH


Let go & Clarity Evening: Yin Yoga, Trataka and Yoga Nidra wird organisiert durch:

Ground Yoga