The SIRM Forum 2024 is dedicated to the topic of Artificial Intelligence.
As industry leaders we are mindful of the risks of AI, but first and foremost, we aim to showcase its vast benefits. We invite you to discover the opportunities AI can bring – be it for business or life in general.
Our hand-picked expert speakers will look at AI from different angles, in the context of risk management and its many other impacts. They are looking forward to sharing their stories on-stage and engaging with you off-stage.
The purpose of our platform is to network and learn from each other. We believe we can provide the perfect atmosphere to do so, as we offer continued guidance for our industry. Isn’t that right, ChatGPT?
Warm regards from the SIRM Executive Board
Sabrina Hartusch (President),
Daniele Zucchi (VP), Evelyn Lämmli, Jurrit Herber,
Michael De Boni, Pierre-Louis Chabert,
Rocco Bozzelli, Stefan Günther, Volker Trapp